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Founder articles and press releases



Academic: Cellular agriculture in the UK: a review.

Television: Apocalypse Cow: How Meat Killed the Planet, Channel 4, January 2020.

News: Hold the beef: how plant-based meat went mainstream, February 2020.



News: BBC (2019) Artificial meat: UK scientists growing 'bacon' in labs. Featuring Marianne Ellis and Illtud Dunsford.

Video: University of Bath (2019). Interview with Marianne Ellis

News: Guardian (2019) Have we hit ‘peak beef’? Featuring Abi Aspen Glencross.

Academic: Sexton, A.E., Lorimer, J. & Garnett, T. (2019). Framing the future of food: The contested promises of alternative proteins. Environment and Planning E: Nature and space, 2(1), 47-72.



Academic: Stephens, N., Di Silvio, L., Dunsford, I., Ellis, M., Glencross, A., & Sexton, A. (2018). Bringing cultured meat to market: Technical, socio-political, and regulatory challenges in cellular agriculture. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 78, 155-166.

Academic: Sexton, A.E. (2018). Eating for the post-Anthropocene: alternative proteins and the biopolitics of edibility. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers,43(4), 586-600.

Academic: Stephens, N. King, E. & Lyall, C. (2018) Blood, meat, and upscaling tissue engineering: Promises, anticipated markets, and performativity in the biomedical and agri-food sectors.

BioSocieties13(2), 368-388. Blog: Stephens, N. (2018) Meat grown from cells: companies clamour to put it on your plate. The Conversation



Academic: O'Riordan, K., Fotopoulou, A. and Stephens, N. (2017). The first bite: Imaginaries, promotional publics and the laboratory grown burger. Public Understanding of Science,26(2), 148-163.



Video: CreativeMornings HQ (2016) Abi Aspen Glencross: Meet The New Meat.

Video: Prosocial Progress Foundation (2016) Tomorrows food: Cultured meat. Youtube documentaryfeaturing Neil Stephens

Video: Science Gallery Dublin (2016) ArtMeatFlesh – a unique Science Gallery Dublin cooking show. Featuring Abi Aspen Glencross.

News: Munchies (2016) Meet the scientist trying to grow steak in a lab. Featuring Abi Aspen Glencross

Policyreport: Dunsford, I. Ellis, M. Glencross, A. Sexton, A. & Stephens, N. (2016) UK Cellular Agriculture: A route forward document provided to 10 Downing Street, 16thMarch 2016(private document)

Policy report: Dunsford, I. Ellis, M. Glencross, A. Sexton, A. & Stephens, N. (2016) UK pathway to protein innovation: cellular agriculture and plant analogues Briefing document provided to 10 Downing Street, 25thMay 2016(private document) 

Academic: Sexton, A. (2016). Alternative proteins and the (non)stuff of ‘meat’. Gastronomica, 16(3), 66-78.

Report: Dunsford, I.(2016) On Meat: niche production, value adding, ethics and its future within cellular agriculture. A Nuffield Farming Scholarships Trust Report

Academic: Stephens, N. & Ruivenkamp, M. (2016). Promise and ontological ambiguity in the in vitro meat imagescape: From laboratory myotubes to the cultured burger. Science as Culture, 25(3), 327-355.



Short book of essays: Stephens, N. Kramer, C. Denfeld & Strand, R. (eds) (2015) What is In Vitro Meat?Centre for Genomic Gastronomy ISSN 2372-6504

Policy report: Gunnarsdóttir, K. Strand, R. Stephens, N. O'Riordan, K. Fotopoulou, A. Giampietro, M. Kovacic, Z. Lemkow L. Zetterling, & Di Masso Tarditti, M. (2015) Reporting on the case study of synthetic meat: summary of findings and policy considerations Policy document submitted to the European Commission as output from the FP7 EPINET project.



Academic: Tuomisto, H. L., Ellis, M. J., & Haastrup, P. (2014). Environmental impacts of cultured meat: alternative production scenarios. In Proceedings of the 9th international conference on life cycle assessment in the agri-food sector(pp. 8-10).



News: New York Times (2013) A Lab-Grown Burger Gets a Taste Test. Featuring Neil Stephens.

Academic: Stephens, N. (2013). Growing meat in laboratories: The promise, ontology, and ethical boundary-work of using muscle cells to make food. Configurations, 21(2), 159-181.



Blog: Stephens, N. (2012) Which Conversations website: Test tube to plate – let’s start the lab-grown burger Which? Conversation



Academic: Stephens, N. (2010). In vitro meat: Zombies on the menu. SCRIPTed, 7, 394-401.

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